Pacific Northwest Trails
Welcome to TrailsNW.com, your guide to backpacking and hiking in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and the entire Pacific Northwest. On this site you will find trail descriptions, images, hiker logs, and message boards to help you make the most of your hiking trips.
TrailsNW was created in 1998 to share my personal hiking experiences and help my fellow hikers. Originally showcasing only Oregon hiking, it soon grew to include Washington hikes, and eventually trails and hikes throughout the Pacific Northwest. As the site's popularity has grown, I have added features to help other hikers share their own experiences. TrailsNW will continue to evolve and grow to be the best resource for hikers and backpackers in the Northwest.
Popular Trails

Eagle Creek
Trail leading through the Eagle Creek Valley, an Oregon Classic.

Elk Cove
Very impressive meadow directly under the north face of Mt. Hood.

High Divide
This is a must do trek in the Olympic Mountains, with amazing views of glacier-draped Mt. Olympus, beautiful lakes, and quiet meadows...

Ice Lake
Ice Lake is another amazing place in the Wallowa Mountains. Imagine a deep blue lake, surrounded on all sides by jagged granite mountains…this is it.