Winter Hikes-Portlan

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I need some good winter hiking suggestions for the Portland Area. I'm looking for more obscure trails, I know that most of the trails in the gorge are accessible, but I'm looking for other options in the area, maybe the coast range or cascade foothills.

You may try doing the Badger Creek trail. I know that at least the first few miles are usually open during the majority of the year.
You may try Kings Mountain in the Coast Range. The trailhead is about halfway between Tillamook and the intersection with Highway 26 on Highway 6. I believe its 2000-3000 feet high so it may not be totally accessible during winter, or may only be during portions of the winter.
There are a few short hikes around Tilamook on the coast that are quite nice, but they are generally pretty well traveled as are most things on the coast.
You may take a look at trails in the Trapper Creek Wilderness, which is just north of Carson on Wind River Road. I believe that the several trails there are accessable during most of the year.