Eagle Cap in Mid August
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Looking at a 4 or 5 day backpacking trip in the Eagle Cap Wilderness in mid August. Any suggestions for a loop, with mileage of 12 +/- miles per day? Would likely have a couple of cars, so a shuttle isn't out of the question. Thanks!
I have always seen the most people here on my trips through, but I haven't ever seen it totally packed with people to the point that I didn't want to stop. It doesn't seem as though finding a campsite has ever been a problem, and it is a fairly large area with lots of lakes, so I think you would likely be able to find a quiter area.
In the Backpacking Oregon Book mentioned, it says The Wallowas Lakes Basin Loop is quite busy. Did any of you who have hiked it feel like it was too busy? Did you have problems finding campsites? Can you avoid some of the crowds by going during the week?
Thanks for the suggestions and the book reference too!
So many great options, especially if you a car shuttle. I also did a the loop mentioned by flowergirl (actually slightly different), and it was spectacular. We lengthened it slightly by taking the North Fork of the Imnaha (which with your daily mileage and length of time could be a good adjustment as well).
If I personally were able to do a car shuttle and had 5 days to do 12 miles a day, I would probably start at the western edge of the wilderness area, maybe along the Minam, maybe hike up Little Sheep Ridge and follow that until dropping into the North Minam River drainage, cross over Swamp Lake, swing by Minam Lake, and then over to the Lakes Basin. Hike over to Glacier Lake and then take the West Fork Wallowa River to a waiting car at Wallowa Lake. That would give a 'tour' of the Wallowas, starting in the lowlands and Ponderosa Pine covered ridges, and slowly build into the more alpine and mountainous areas.
If I personally were able to do a car shuttle and had 5 days to do 12 miles a day, I would probably start at the western edge of the wilderness area, maybe along the Minam, maybe hike up Little Sheep Ridge and follow that until dropping into the North Minam River drainage, cross over Swamp Lake, swing by Minam Lake, and then over to the Lakes Basin. Hike over to Glacier Lake and then take the West Fork Wallowa River to a waiting car at Wallowa Lake. That would give a 'tour' of the Wallowas, starting in the lowlands and Ponderosa Pine covered ridges, and slowly build into the more alpine and mountainous areas.
Last year, I did a 6-day backpacking trip from Douglas Lorain's Backpacking Oregon, the East Eagle - Imnaha Loop. But there are shorter loops described. Really can't go wrong with any hike in Eagle Cap Wilderness
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But a few highlights...
Little Frazier Lake just below Hawkins Pass

sunset on Glacier Lake

But a few highlights...
Little Frazier Lake just below Hawkins Pass
sunset on Glacier Lake