Big Backpacking Trip Ideas
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I've been working on my upcoming summer plans, which also has me thinking about bigger backpacking trips/adventures that I would love to complete someday. Most of these trips require some creative routing, since there obviously isn't established trails to do most of what I would like to do. Does anyone else have crazy trips planned like this? Any input?
-South Washington Cascades Loop:
Start at Mt Rainier, connect with the dark divide area, hike over to Mt. Adams, north through the Goat Rocks and back to Mt. Rainer. Probably 80% of this has existing trail, the rest will require some road walking or route creation. The biggest gap is between Mt. Rainier and Dark Divide.
-Hells Canyon - Wallowas
Start at the northern end of Hells Canyon, hike south, up the Imnaha River, connect with the Minam River and hike out. 95% of this is currently trail, will use small backroads to complete the trip. The only real gap is a small segment between Hells Canyon and the Imnaha River.
-Portland to Hood River
I do a lot of hiking in the Gorge, but haven't done a longer, continuous trip. This isn't really feasible, but I would love to be able to take the MAX (our light rail system) as far as possible to the east, start walking, connect the trails in the gorge, emerge in Hood River, hop on the Amtrak, and take the train back into Portland. Most of the Gorge can be linked by trail, but connecting these trails to Portland and Hood River is a ways off. Still fun to think about though.
-Sound to Coast
Begin in the the Duckabush or Dosewallips Valleys in Olympic National Park, hike through the park, down the Bogachiel River, connect to the coast, and hike up he coast to Lake Ozette. Much of this is trail, but will need to road walk between the the end of the the Bogachiel trail and the coast.
If interested, I posted a quick map of my proposed Hells Canyon/Wallowa trip: